How to use "BloggerArticleList".

"BloggerArticleList" displays an articles list on Blogger blog.
If you want to display old articles, you need to use blog archive or link list.
When you use those gadgets, It's difficult to find a lot of old articles on your blog.
Also, it's hard work to maintain an articles list.

Then you can use "BloggerArticleList".
"BloggerArticleList" makes an articles list automatically.
Anyone can use this system.
Sample blog
Sample blog(In Japanese)

Try to add "BloggerArticleList" on your blog.

To use "BloggerArticleList" as widget.

1.Go to "BloggerArticleList" create page.
Go to "BloggerArticleList" create page.

Type your blog address and type the password.
Click "Create new BloggerArticleList".
Blog address doesn't need http:// or / of end.

3.Register design of "BloggerArticleList".
You can design how to display "BloggerArticleList", but you can skip it now. Because you should try to put "BloggerArticleList" on your blog immediately. You can design later.
So, click "Register".

4.Make a note of ID and a code.
ID in alphabets and numbers is issued. When you design "BloggerArticleList", you need them. Make a note of ID.
Copy a code to clipboard from the box.

5.Open layout page.
Open layout page on your blog administration page.

6.Add a gadget.
Click "Add a Gadget" at where you want.

7.Add "HTML/JaveScript".
Click "+" of "HTML/JaveScript" in gadgets list.

8.Fill title and contents.
Type any title.
Paste a code to the contents box from clipboard that is copied at step 4.
Click "Save".

Check your blog.